This Blog will consist of all the work I have done in my AS Media Studies, that has contributed to making my final music magazine

'Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes'
Mahatma Ghandi

Which music magazine has the best slogan?

Thursday 4 February 2010

Target Audience Mood board

Above is the first mood board of images I created. I really liked the use of musical notes in these images and I thought they reflected the Indie style which is the genre I have chosen for my music magazine. There are also some notes on the PowerPoint image above because these are a list of things I need to do.

Above are some more photographic images that really helped inspire me to start research on where I am going to take my images for my magazine, who my models or artists/band are going to be. How I am going to contact artists in order to interview them. I also considered asking some of my friends who are in independent bands, however in hindsight I can see that they wouldn't suite my genre.

Above are two large mood boards I made regarding the layout and overall display of interviews in 'NME'. I saw that a common convention is the use of black, white, blue and red. The images are always layered or used as an entire background. The text is found on top of the images or the text is wrapped around the images.

Below is where I did some further research on the conventions of magazine covers based specifically on the same genre of music (Indie) that I want for my music magazine. The magazines I have used for inspiration here are Rolling Stones, Q, NME and ROCK. All the following magazines incorporate a vintage, traditional yet contemporary style that is unique. A main theme throughout all these magazines is mainly red. Whites and blacks are also prominent. Some of the artists bellow includes Prince, The Jonas Brothers, Paramore, Paul McCartney, Coldplay, Avril Lavagne and Bloc Party. I intend on using Bloc party as a feature in my magazine later in the process (when I will be doing a contents page).

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